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Freshdesk Initial Setup Guide

Before getting started with your Forethought products, there are a few quick steps to follow. Once you are done with these, or if you have any questions along the way, feel free to reach out to your Customer Success Manager.

1. Create a Forethought Integration User

It is considered best practice to set up and authorize our products through an Integration user. This way, your connector is not reliant on a real employee's account, which can be subject to change and, as a result, may affect your Forethought products. 
Creating a Forethought Integration user in your environment will give you full control over the access rights that Forethought has. Forethought uses this user to access your data through your help desk API. 

  1. Login to your Freshdesk account as an administrator.

  2. Go to Admin > Team > Agents.

  3. Click the New Agent option in the top bar. 

  4. For Agent Type, choose Support Agent.

  5. Select Full-time agent.

  6. Enter the Agent details as given below
    • Email:
  7. Set the agent's Scope as either Global or Groups (and select which groups)

  8.  Choose the required Groups to which the agent should belong. The user should have full admin permissions.

  9. Select the Role of the agent. 
  10. Click Create Agent.

Additional Information:

  • Read more about Freshdesk user creation here.
  • Some Write permissions may be required depending on Forethought products purchased. 
  • Note: If you do not have seats available to create a Forethought integration user, you may proceed to step 2 - Authorize Forethought while logged into any existing admin account.
  • Please keep in mind that if this user is ever deleted/suspended or has their admin permissions revoked, that will break Forethought's integration with your help desk. To restore services, you will need to correct the existing account or repeat the authorization process with a different admin account. For this reason, we strongly recommend using a dedicated integration user if possible.

2. Retrieve API Key

The API key is a vital part of the connector. They are keys unique to each user that utilizes them and the level of permissions that the user has. It is how we will connect to the back-end of the Freshdesk system. Please keep your API keys safe, hidden, and inaccessible to anyone outside of admins.


  1. Log in as the integration user you made in step 1.
  2. Click on the profile menu in the top right corner. From the options given, select Profile Settings
  3. You should see a page like this (below)within the sidebar on the right, you will find the API Key.FreshdeskExample.png
  4. Copy this key to your clipboard or store it somewhere secure for the next step

3. Set up your connector

Once you've verified all the requirements in steps 1 and 2, you can then set up your connector.


  1. Access the Forethought Dashboard > Settings > Integrations.
  2. Scroll and select Freshdesk.
  3. In the side panel, input:
  4. After verifying the information, click Connect.
  5. The status should change from Disconnected to Connected.
  6. Upon closing the panel, this connector will appear under the Active section in Integrations.

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