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Assist Analytics

Assist analytics allows Forethought admins to access granular insights on Assist usage. This supplements the assist analytics tab that we already have. This analytics view:

  • Overview of usage among Agents
  • Agent metrics
  • Ticket metrics with Assist

Disclaimer: The Assist Analytics is only available upon request to your Customer Success Manager.

Analytics dashboard definitions

Note: All analytics, including Looker tables and insights tables, are processed every 1 to 2 hours.

Usage analytics

Metric Name Definition
Number of agents who have installed Assist The number of agents who have the Assist tool installed so that Assist can help with tickets at the help desk.
Assist usage (%) (Number of tickets where Assist was used) / (Number of tickets where Assist could have been used by the agents)
Assist was helpful (%) (Number of tickets where Assist was helpful) / (Number of tickets where Assist was used by the agents)
Number of tickets where Assist could have been used Tickets where Assist could have been used. This is only possible for tickets where an agent has Assist installed.
Number of tickets where Assist was used Tickets where the Agent used one of the Assist features.*
Number of tickets where Assist was helpful Tickets where the Agent found the Assist useful for resolving the ticket. **

*Assist usage: Assist usage means that the agent used one of the Assist features - search, notes, response generation, or feed (including open assist recommended content or search content in the browser or click on the content.

** Assist was helpful: The assist feature being used by the agent is defined as helpful when the agent has used one of the following actions: add assist suggested content to reply (feed, search, notes, and response generation), copy Assist content (feed, search, notes, and response generation), favorite an item (search, feed), or share a note (notes).


Assist feature usage 

Assist feature usage table What does this show?
Assist feed usage (1) Number of tickets where Assist feed was used by the agents
(2) Number of tickets where Assist feed results were helpful for the agents
(3) Helpful percentage = (2/1)*100

Assist search usage (1) Number of tickets where Assist search was used by the agents
(2) Number of tickets where Assist search results were helpful for the agents
(3) Helpful percentage = (2/1)*100
Assist generative AI usage (1) Number of tickets where Assist AI response generation was used by the agents
(2) Number of tickets where Assist AI response generation was helpful for the agents
(3) Helpful percentage = (2/1)*100
Tickets where Assist notes were used Number of tickets where Assist notes were used by the Agents.


Ticket metrics where Assist was helpful 

This section shows the following metrics - average ticket resolution, average time to first reply, and average number of replies per ticket and compares each metric for tickets

  • Where Assist was not used but could have been used
  • Where Assist was helpful

Note: This shows the data visualization in a bar chart form.


Raw data tables

In addition to consolidated metrics, we have 2 data tables with raw data.

Agent details

Column name Definition
Agent email Agents email
Agent ID The unique agent identifier
Assist installed

Shows if assist is installed by the agent.

1 - Assist is installed
Ф - Assist is not installed

Number of tickets where Assist was used Number of tickets where the agent used Assist.
Number of tickets where Assist was not used Number of tickets where the agent did not use Assist.
Assist utilization (%) (Number of tickets where Assist was used / Total number of tickets the agent handled)*100
Average ticket resolution time with Assist (hours) Average time the agent resolved a ticket with Assist usage
Average ticket resolution time without Assist (hours) Average time the agent resolved a ticket without using Assist


Ticket details

Column name Definition
Helpdesk ticket ID Helpdesk ticket unique identifier
Ticket status Status of the ticket if it's closed, resolved, in progress, etc.
Agent ID The unique agent identifier
Agent email Agent's email resolving the ticket
Assist used article titles Shows the assist suggested article title that was used to answer the user query by the agent.
Assist feed used

1 - Assist feed was used

0 - Assist feed was not used

Assist feed helpful

1 - Assist feed was helpful

0 - Assist feed was not helpful

Assist search used

1 - Assist search was used

0 - Assist search was not used

Assist search helpful

1 - Assist search was helpful

0 - Assist search was not helpful

Assist reply generation used

1 - Assist reply generation was used

0 - Assist reply generation was not used

Assist reply generation helpful

1 - Assist reply generation was helpful

0 - Assist reply generation was not helpful

Assist notes used

1 - Assist notes was used

0 - Assist notes was not used

Ticket replies Number of replies the agent sent to the user for this ticket.
Ticket created time Time when the ticket was created in the helpdesk.
Format: YYYY:MM:DD hh:mm:ss
Ticket resolution time (hours) Time it took to resolve the ticket
Time to first reply (hours) Time it took to send the first reply to the user.
Ticket title Tickets title
Ticket body Tickets body


Data downloads

Scheduled Delivery Setup


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