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How to add Images or Videos

The Add an Image and Add Video components allow you to incorporate different types of media, such as images and videos, into your workflow. These features help you enhance your workflow by adding visual elements and additional context, making it more engaging and interactive.

Add an Image and Video

1. Go to Solve > Workflow Builder > Add an Image or Add a Video in the right pane under the Business Logic section.

2. Drag and drop these components into your workflow to customize it.

3. Select an image or video to include in your workflow.

4. For images, include a brief description (Alt Text) to assist users with visual impairments and to provide context if the images fail to load.

5. Click Save.

6. When adding a video, enter the video URL from YouTube or Vimeo. You may also enter a link from a “share” option. Click Test to ensure the video link is working correctly.


7. Click Save to add the video to your workflow.

8. To check if the image and video are working, click Preview Intent.

9. Click Publish.

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