Our video series will show you how easy it is to connect Salesforce to Forethought, see the results in action, and create custom intents with Autoflows and Classic mode. With Forethought, you can expect to improve your customer satisfaction, reduce ticket volume, and save time and money.
I. Integrating Salesforce
In this video, we will walk you through the necessary steps to integrate Salesforce into your Forethought dashboard.
II. Previewing Salesforce
Once the integration with Salesforce is complete, you can preview its functionality within the Workflow Builder. This will allow you to see how Salesforce operates with Forethought.
III. Creating Intents
Now that you have successfully integrated Salesforce with Forethought, it's time to create intents. This tutorial will introduce two methods for creating intents: Autoflows and Classic mode. We will also explore how to enhance the process of creating intents by using Business Logic Components, Actions, and Context Variables. These powerful tools will help you tailor your service to your specific business needs.
To learn more, check out the following resources:
Salesforce Initial Setup Guide
Getting Started with Autoflows
How to Build Your First Workflow in Classic Mode
How to Leverage Your Workflow by Using Business Logic Components
Action Builder: How to Get the Most out of Workflow Builder with API calls