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Guide on How to Integrate Shopify with Forethought's Solve and Assist

Integrating Shopify with Forethought's products, such as  Solve and Assist, can significantly enhance your customer support and engagement strategy. This guide provides detailed instructions on how to integrate Shopify with both Solve and Assist.

Get Shopify Data with Forethought's Solve Action Builder

The Solve product allows users to access Shopify data directly through the platform's API using the Action Builder feature. You can read more about Action Builder here.

To begin, navigate to your Forethought dashboard and create a new action in the Action Builder section under the Solve product. Here, enter the Shopify endpoint you wish to query. The Shopify API Documentation is available here.


A common use case involves fetching specific orders from Shopify. To achieve this, make a request to the endpoint '$OrderID', replacing 'MYDOMAIN' with your specific Shopify domain. Note that the name is usually the filter criterion you want to use because it's the user-facing order ID that the customer has. There is also a proper ID by which the order can be retrieved, but it's usually internal. In this example, $OrderID is an action variable, so your workflow could include asking the user for their order ID and then triggering this action. You can read more about the orders endpoint here

The preferred method of authentication is passing the X-Shopify-Access-Token header. Instructions for generating this token can be found in Shopify's guide on API token generation. After obtaining the Shopify access token and accessing the Action Builder, navigate to the Headers tab and create a new header. Name the header X-Shopify-Access-Token and the token value as the value. No other authentication is required, so you can skip the Authorization tab.

Integrate Shopify with Assist

Assist allows you to display a list of your Shopify products in your Assist feed. To do this, you need to connect Assist using your Admin or Storefront access tokens on the integrations page of your Forethought dashboard. Once you have done that, the Forethought implementation team will configure your Assist instance to include your Shopify products.

Shopify Integration.png

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