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Personalize Your Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSAT) to Fit Your Needs

The Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSAT) feature allows you to gather more relevant and actionable insights from your customers, helping you to improve your business and provide a better overall customer experience. This feature is directly available within the Solve, making it easier and more convenient for you to personalize your CSAT. 

Steps in customizing your CSAT

  1. Navigate to Solve > Widget > CSAT.
  2. Configure your CSAT according to your preferences or business needs. You can do the following:
    • CSAT availability - check the box to enable CSAT in specific situations, such as:
        • When the user minimizes the widget
        • Anytime the user accesses it via the widget header
        • When CSAT Trigger is applied in the workflows
    • Rating question - input a question for users to rate their experience.
    • Style - choose from three available styles for your CSAT icon. 
        • Stars
        • Smiles
        • Black and white smiles
    • Reasons for rating -  you can request feedback from users for both low and high ratings.
    • Route based on feedback - set up rerouting for users who leave negative or neutral ratings to other workflows such as:
        • Standard handoff
        • Knowledge retrieval
        • Other questions
        • Your active workflows
    • Resolution confirmation - you can ask the users to confirm if their issue was resolved.
    • Additional feedback - it allows users to leave additional feedback in free-form text.
    • Submit confirmation - you can send a confirmation message to users after they submit their rating.

Note: The changes made here will be applied globally to all the widget conversations. You don’t need to configure them for every Workflow.

CSAT Widget Config.gif

How to monitor your CSAT results

  1. Monitor your CSAT results by visiting the Solve > Workflow Builder > Chats Tab.
  2. Review the individual CSAT responses by clicking on the individual Chats.
  3. You can also export the CSAT data in Widget Insights.

Monitoring CSAT.gif

How to add a CSAT Trigger Point in a workflow

  1. Go to Solve > Workflow Builder.
  2. Select an intent
  3. On the right side of your dashboard, drag and drop the CSAT Survey Trigger Point to your canvas.
  4. Preview your workflow.

CSAT Trigger Point.gif


Understanding CSAT Triggering Logic

  • Minimize and Trigger Point: When both the minimize option and a trigger point are enabled, a user will receive a maximum of two prompts to take the CSAT.
  • Multiple Trigger Points: In workflows with several trigger points, the user will only be prompted at the first trigger point they encounter. Subsequent trigger points are ignored.
  • Response Flexibility: Users have the opportunity to respond to the CSAT prompt once, but they can update their response if they want to.
  • Platform Availability: The trigger point feature is exclusive to Classic workflows, whereas the minimize/anytime option is available for both Classic and Autoflows.


Various Scenarios of How CSAT Survey Appears in a Chat Widget

There are various methods to initiate a CSAT Survey in a chat, and you can customize them according to your preference in the Widget Configuration or Workflow Builder. To learn more about how this process works, please refer to the table below.

CSAT Trigger Point (1)-1.png

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