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Release Notes | March 2024

Solve Widget | Creating an Autoflow policy is made easier with Autoflow templates

Create Autoflows policies easily with Autoflows Template! It streamlines the process, making it more user-friendly. View effective Autoflows and access available actions such as context variables, handoffs, intent routings, and actions to customize your workflows. This article tells you where to find and how to use Autoflows templates.


Solve Widget | Article Insights

Article Insights is a powerful tool that enables you to easily and comprehensively analyze the performance of your articles. By having access to a range of useful metrics, this feature allows you to gain valuable insights into how your content is resonating with your audience and make data-driven decisions to optimize the contents of your knowledge base. To learn more about how to leverage this feature to improve your content marketing efforts, refer to the article provided below.


Solve Widget | Your Widget responds more like a happy human agent

We've made significant improvements to the Widget's performance when using the Knowledge Base. The update provides several benefits to enhance user engagement and satisfaction, including improved memory retention, formatting, and proactive clarification requests.

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