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Workflow Insights

Solve Insights now includes a new "Workflows" tab that provides rich data and detailed insights into your workflows. This update allows you to view all chats that utilized a selected workflow, track its performance over time, and access data specific to each workflow. While it may resemble the Workflows Builder page at first glance, the Workflows tab offers much deeper analytics.

This feature is particularly useful for Solve Widget customers who enjoy diving into data to analyze performance by individual workflow. It supplements the existing workflow-level analytics dashboard, enabling you to perform tasks like viewing full conversation transcripts and tracking key metrics over time.


To access Workflow Insights, click Solve > Widget Insights > Workflows.

Metric name Definition
Chats Displays the number of non-deflected and deflected chats over a specified period across all workflows. It also shows the amount of potential savings from non-deflected chats and the realized savings from deflected chats. 
CSAT Shows the average Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) score of all chats, including the total number of responses and the breakdown of responses by rating.
Quick Feedback Displays the percentage of positive feedback from users, the total number of responses, and the number of users who did not provide feedback when the articles surfaced in all workflows.
Relevance It shows the number of relevant, somewhat relevant, and irrelevant chats. The relevance rating uses AI to determine how well the response directly addresses the user's query. Ratings may take up to 3 hours to be available after the chat ends. Non-deflected chats do not receive a rating.
User Engagement It shows the percentage of chats in which users were engaged. It also displays the number of chats in which users were engaged throughout the chat or dropped off midway. Each deflected chat receives one rating. No rating is offered for non-deflected chats.
Deflections The number of chats that were deflected when the selected workflow was applied in the chat.
Non-deflections The number of chats that were not deflected when the selected workflow was applied in the chat.
Surfaced articles List of articles surfaced within the selected workflow. 


Click any workflow to view all the chats that used the selected workflow. 

Metric name Definition
Detected workflows Shows the list of workflows that were detected in the selected chat. 
Surfaced articles Displays the list of articles that surfaced in the selected chat. 
Quick Feedback This reflects the Quick Feedback from all articles used in this chat.

Knowledge articles 

To view the list of Knowledge Articles surfaced in a workflow, click any workflow > Knowledge Articles.  

Metric name Definition
Deflections The number of chats that where deflected when this article surfaced.
Surfaced & clicks 

Surfaced: The number of times the chatbot offered articles from the knowledge base in response to a user’s query. If multiple articles are used in a single chat session, each instance will be counted separately.

Clicks: The number of times the user clicks the articles. If the user clicks the same article twice, it will be counted as one.

Avg. CSAT The average Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) scores from chats where the article surfaced.
Top 3 surfaced workflows Most surfaced workflows found in the chats under the selected article. 
Related articles Additional articles that are linked to when an article is surfaced.

Export data

You can export data from different pages in the Workflow Insights. To export data, do the following:

  1. Go to Workflow Insights dashboard, Chats, or Knowledge articles.
  2. At the right-side of the page, click the export icon.

  3. You will receive the CSV file in your email.
  4. Click Download CSV


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