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Error Logs


The Error Logs is designed to display all the connection errors your users encounter when using Solve Widget. These error logs not only show the types of errors but also provide the root cause and a direct link to where the errors occur, enabling faster troubleshooting. In the upcoming months, we’ll be adding errors encountered by other Forethought products.

Note: The Error Logs table is only visible to admins.

Access Error Logs

Click Settings > Log > Error.

Error log.png

Table Definitions

Column name Definition
Timestamp The date and time when the error occurred, displayed in the timezone of the admin accessing the Forethought dashboard.
Product Forethought product where the user error occurred
Conversation ID Conversation ID that contains the full transcript
Error Message Description of the type of error that occurred.

How to fix errors

When you click on an individual error, a panel will slide out from the right, showing detailed information to help you understand the root cause. You can use the conversation ID to review the full transcript and follow the "How to Fix" instructions to prevent these errors from recurring.

Supported Error Types

Error Types Description Recommended Solution
Missing Context Variables This error occurs when the conversation encounters a step that contains an undefined Context Variable (CV).

To resolve this issue, ensure that the CV is defined by following one of these methods:

1. Add a Form or Action step to collect the CV.

2. Add the CV as a Workflow Context Variable when you set up the widget in "Configuration" by including it in the "Embed" script.

3. Add a condition step to verify the CV’s existence before using it.

No valid condition This error occurs when executing a condition step and no valid branch is found. For example, if a request doesn't match any condition, there's no branch to follow. To address this, you can:
1. Add an “Otherwise” branch as a fallback to the condition step.
2. Check the conditions and CVs used to make sure at least one branch would pass.
API call failed due to no active credentials for integration This error occurs when an action step requiring integration credentials (e.g., sending requests to Zendesk APIs) is executed without active credentials. Verify the integration credentials to ensure they are valid and active.
Zendesk: Requester’s email is suspended This error occurs when a request is sent to the Zendesk API using a suspended requester email. Add a condition step to verify the validity of the requester email before sending requests.
Zendesk: Requester’s email is in an invalid format This error happens when a request is sent to the Zendesk API with an improperly formatted requester email (e.g., ‘test@aa’). Use a context variable of type EMAIL to ensure the collected email adheres to the correct format.
Zendesk: Requester’s email is a support address and cannot be used This error occurs when a request is sent to the Zendesk API using a requester’s email that is already used as a support address. Add a condition step to check if the requester's email is already used as a support address.

Zendesk: Provided value is of invalid format


This error happens when sending a request to the Zendesk API with a value that does not match the expected field type (e.g., passing a text for a number field). Use a context variable of the correct type in the form step to ensure the collected CV is in the right format.
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