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Salesforce Initial Setup Guide

There are a few quick steps to take before you install any necessary Forethought packages. Once you are done with these, please inform your Forethought Customer Success team.

1. Create a Forethought Integration User

Creating a Forethought integration user in your Salesforce instance will give you full control over the access rights that Forethought has. Forethought uses this user to access your data through the Salesforce API.

  1. Go to setup
  2. Manage Users > Users > New user
  3. Create a user with at least the following permissions:
    1. Name: Forethought
    2. Email: make sure you can receive the account activation email
    3. Profile**: You can use an existing profile or create a dedicated one. It is important to give the Forethought integration user Read* permissions for these objects:
      - Cases
      - Email messages
      - Knowledge articles (if using Salesforce Community knowledge base)
      - Email Templates (if agents use Salesforce Email Templates)
    4. Check active
    5. Save
    6. Activate the user

* Some Write permissions may be required depending on Forethought products purchased.

** To manage a profile's object-related permissions, go to Setup > Profiles > select a profile, then scroll to Standard Object Permissions.

2. Authorize Forethought's API Access

Once you have completed the prerequisite user creation steps in your Salesforce environment go to the Forethought Dashboard. Within the left side panel there will be a number of section and subsections. As you go through the Implementation process you'll be walked through how each relate to the Forethought products you've purchased from the suite. For now though go to Settings > Integrations. 

Scroll down and select the connector you want to set up, in this case start with the one that just says Salesforce. Once you click on it a side panel on the right should open up. Before you do anything follow these vital steps:

  1. Make sure to log-out from your normal administrator user. You may also use an incognito browser window.
  2. Go back to Forethought Dashboard and your Salesforce connector. Select if the Salesforce environment you are connecting to is a Production or Sandbox instance. 
  3. Log-in to Salesforce as the previously created Forethought integration user.
  4. Follow the authorization link provided by your Forethought Customer Success team.
  5. Read the permissions and click Allow

This will authorize Forethought to index Salesforce data. We use the OAuth secured Protocol.


The following window should confirm the authorization. If this success message doesn't appear, please inform your Forethought Customer Success team.


Revoking Forethought Access

You can always revoke Forethought's API access to your Salesforce instance. To do so, log-in as the Forethought integration user, and scroll down to OAuth Connected Apps under the user setup, then click "Revoke".

Note that this will cause Forethought products to stop working. Please notify your Forethought Customer Success team if you decide to do so.



(Assist only) Find your Email Action Name

If you will use our Assist product, we need to know the technical name of your "email" action.

  1. Go to Setup 
    • Classic: in the quick find box, search for "case"
    • Lightning: In the Object manager select Case
  2. Select "Buttons, Links and Actions"
  3. Find the action with Type: Send Email
  4. Note the Name of the action. e.g. SendEmail


(If Applicable) Gather Knowledge Object Info

If you use Salesforce Knowledge in Assist, Widget, Email or any other Forethought product we will need information from your SalesForce environment to know what fields to index.

  1. Go to setup
    1. Lightning: Object manager > search for "Knowledge"
    2. Classic: quick find > search for "knowledge" > knowledge object setup
  2. Click on "Knowledge"
  3. note the API_Name e.g. "Knowledge__kav"
  4. under Fields & relationships, note the Field Name of the field used to store the contents of your documentation pages. e.g. Contents__c
  5. If a field contains the full public URL or URL slug for the knowledge article, please note the name of that field.


Notify Forethought

Please notify your Forethought Implementation Engineer with the following information:

Salesforce Domain Name: e.g.
Classic / Lightning: Lightning/Classic
Authorization done: Yes/no
Email action name: e.g. Case.Email_Lightning
- API Name:
e.g. Knowledge__kav
- Articles content Field API Name: e.g. Contents__c
- Articles URL Field API Name: (if applicable)


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