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Proactive Prompts in Widget Configuration

Proactive prompts allow you to encourage users to engage with the widget even while it is still in its closed icon form. By making your widget proactively reach out to your end users, you can enhance its visibility and increase traffic to your Forethought widget.

Customizing Proactive Prompts

  1. To customize proactive prompts, go to Solve > Configuration > Prompt
  2. Add a custom prompt message.

    • This message can be tailored to suit your needs. While there is no character limit, we recommend keeping it concise for a better user experience.
    • You can use formatting options such as bold, italics, or underline, and include emojis (e.g., ✨).
    • Predefined context variables can be used for additional customization.
    • Note: Translations of the prompt will be available if applicable.
    • Example of a proactive prompt:
      proactive prompts.png
  3. Optional: Enable intent options.
    • To display intent options below your prompt message, check the box titled Display intent options at the bottom of the custom prompt message text box.
    • The top three intents will automatically appear under the prompt message when this option is enabled.
      display intents.png
    • You can choose whether they should be ordered automatically or through manual selection in Theme.
      intent options.png
  4. After making all changes, click Preview at the top-right of your screen.
  5. Once you are satisfied with your preview, click Publish. The proactive prompts should now be visible on your website.


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